[kisoron-ml] The 49th MLG Meeting: Program

Katsuhiko Sano katsuhiko.sano at gmail.com
Mon Dec 1 21:41:24 JST 2014

$BBh(B49$B2s(B MLG $B?tM}O at M}3X8&5f=82q$N$40FFb(B

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$BBh(B49$B2s(B MLG $B?tM}O at M}3X8&5f=82q3+:EMWNN(B
$B4|4V(B: 2014 $BG/(B 12 $B7n(B 5 $BF|(B($B6b(B) $B!A(B 12 $B7n(B 7 $BF|(B($BF|(B)
$B>l=j(B: $B;3Cf29 at t2O</Aq%m%$%d%k%[%F%k!J(BJR$B2C2l29 at t1X$+$i<V$GLs(B20$BJ,!$2C2l29 at t1X$+$iAw7^$"$j!K(B
$B")(B922-0126 $B at P@n8)2C2l;T;3Cf29 at t2O</D.%[(B100, URL : http://www.daiwaresort.jp/kajikasou/


12/5 (Fri)

1315--1325 $B3+2q(B (opening)
1325--1400 $B;3yu(B $B<S5*;R(B ($B<sETBg3XEl5~(B), Constructive Embedding from Logics of
Strict Implication to Modal Logics via Cut-free and complete Labelled
Sequent Calculus
1400--1435 $B6b;R(B $B<i(B ($BAa0pEDBg3X(B), Game Theoretic Decidability and Undecidability
1435--1510 $B4X(B $BN49((B ($B?73cBg3X(B), A Note on American Plan Semantics of Relevant
Modal Logics

1530--1605 $B0KF#(B $B at .9'(B (JAIST), A relationship between classical and
intuitionistic linear logic
1605--1640 $B>>ED(B $BD>M4(B ($BEl5~9)6HBg3X(B), Intuitionistic tree sequent calculus and
intuitionistic lambda rho calculus
1640--1715 $BNkLZ(B $B?.9T(B ($B at E2,Bg3X(B), Two weak variants of existence property in
intermediate predicate logics

12/6 (Sat)

0930--1005 $B2#9B(B $B63J?(B ($BF|K\Bg3X(B), $BCf4VO at M}$NItJ,BN7O$H$=$NJ]B83HBg$K$D$$$F(B
1005--1040 PREINING Norbert (JAIST), Separating intermediate predicate
logics of well-founded and dually well-founded structures by monadic

1100--1135 $B6bBt(B $B@?(B ($B9qN)>pJs3X8&5f=j(B), Toward a Logic of Cumulative Quantification
1135--1210 $B2#;3(B $B7<B@(B (JAIST), What is needed to characterize the natural
number system?

1340--1415 $BEDCf(B $B5A?M(B ($B6e=#;:6HBg3X(B), Algebraic models for description logics
1415--1450 Jonni Virtema (JAIST), Tableau calculi for propositional
dependence logics
1450--1510 $B:4!9LZ(B $B9nL&(B ($BFn;3Bg3X(B), The exact K4-models constructed from the
exact S4-models

1530--1605 $BLnB<(B $B>0?7(B (JAIST), Revising a Labelled Sequent Calculus for
Public Announcement Logic
1605--1640 $B5HB<(B $BOB?M(B (JAIST), A general analysis on proof structures

1900-- $B:)?F2q(B (Conference dinner)

12/7 (Sun)

0930--1005 $B2-:d(B $B>MJ?(B ($BElKLBg3X(B), Lindstrom extension on finite models
1005--1040 $B2CF#(B $BH%(B ($BEl5~9)6HBg3X(B), $BM-8B%U%l!<%`$K$*$1$kMMAjO at M}<0$N(Bvalidity$B$H7W;;NL$K$D$$$F(B

1100--1135 $BsnF#(B $B?.?C(B ($BEl5~9)6HBg3X(B), lambda-mu-calculus $B$N?d0\N'$N=|5n(B
1135--1210 $B:4F#(B $B2mI'(B ($B5~ETBg3XL>M at 65<x(B), A name-free lambda-calculus

1210--1220 Closing

MLG49 $B@$OC?M(B
E-mail : mlg.logic.japan at gmail.com / katsuhiko.sano at gmail.com

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