[kisoron-ml] Arnold Beckmann教授講演会のお知らせ

山形賴之 yoriyuki.yamagata at aist.go.jp
Thu Nov 28 23:17:05 JST 2019

皆様、産総研の山形と申します。Swansea大学のArnold Beckmann教授の講演会を下記の通り開催いたします。Beckmann教授は限定算術、証明複雑度およびそれらと計算複雑度との関係などを研究されています。


場所:産総研関西センター C-3棟1階, 第10会議室


Arnold Beckmann: Consistency of equational theories and the separation 
problem for bounded arithmetic

Abstract: The separation problem for bounded arithmetic is one of the 
most important problems in the area due to its tight connections to the 
question whether computational complexity classes can be separated, the 
Millennium problem whether P equals NP or not being the most well-known 
one.  Well studied candidates for separating theories of bounded 
arithmetic are consistency statements of formal theories, building on 
Kurt Goedel's famous incompleteness theorems.  The most promising 
consistency statements are given by those of certain equational 
theories.  In our talk, we will review the results on consistency of 
equational theories in the context of the separation problem for bounded 
arithmetic.  We explain the progress that has been made over recent 
years to advance this problem, and state the research programme that has 
resulted from it.


Yoriyuki Yamagata (Senior Researcher)
National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST)

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