[logic-ml] 計算機言語談話会(@産総研尼崎)開催【2012/2/1】のお知らせ

Takashi KITAMURA t.kitamura at aist.go.jp
Wed Jan 25 11:59:28 JST 2012



会 (CLC:Computer Language Colloquium)を開催します。 


また参加の際は、事前に北村( t.kitamura at aist.go.jp )までメールによるご

日時:平成 24 年 2 月 1 日(水) 16:00--17: 30 

場所:(独)産総研関西センター尼崎事業所 E 棟 2 階 セミナー室

演題:Automatic Specification-Based Program Testing

講演者:Prof. Shaoying Liu (Hosei University, Tokyo, Japan)

Automatic specification-based testing (ASBT) is a potentially effective
and efficient technique for detecting errors in programs and attractive
to industry due to its potential in saving time and cost. In this talk,
after presenting the goals of the testing technique I will introduce a
decompositional functional scenario-based testing technique, a specific
ASBT, by explaining the strategy and criteria for test set generation,
test oracle for test result analysis, and test process for tool support.
I will also discuss the challenges and future research directions.

Shaoying Liu is Professor at Hosei University, Japan. He received a Ph.D
in Computer Science from the University of Manchester, U.K in 1992. His
research interests include Formal Engineering Methods,
Specification-based Inspection and Testing, and Intelligent Software
Engineering Environments. He has published a book titled "Formal
Engineering for Industrial Software Development" with Springer-Verlag,
four edited conference proceedings, and over 120 academic papers in
refereed journals and international conferences. He is the chair of
Steering Committee for ICFEM conference, and on the editorial board for
the Journal of Software Testing, Verification and Reliability (STVR) and
for ISRN Software Engineering Journal. He is a Fellow of British
Computer Society, Senior member of IEEE Computer Society, and member of
Japan Society for Software Science and Technology.



北村崇師 PhD <t.kitamura at aist.go.jp>

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