[logic-ml] CCC 2014; second call for papers

Hajime Ishihara ishihara at jaist.ac.jp
Mon May 19 10:27:29 JST 2014

*Continuity, Computability, Constructivity -- From Logic to Algorithms
(CCC 2014)*

*University of Ljubljana, 15-19 September 2014*

*Second call for papers*


CCC is a workshop series bringing together researchers from
realanalysis, computability theory, and constructive mathematics. The
overall aim is to apply logical methods in these disciplines to provide
a sound foundation for obtaining exact and provably correctalgorithms
for computations with real numbers and related analytical data, which
are of increasing importance in safety critical applications and
scientific computation.

Previous workshops have been held in Cologne CCC 2009, Trier CCC 2012,
and Gregynog 2013. One outcome of the 2009 workshop series is the
creation of the EU funded research network COMPUTAL (Computable analysis
-- theoretical and applied aspects) which supports research visits from
Europe to Russia, South-Africa, and Japan and vice versa. This workshop
also hosts the third COMPUTAL workshop, but is open to all researchers
in the area.

The workshop will take place in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

*Scope: *The workshop specifically invites contributions in the areas of

  * exact real number computation,
  * effective topology,
  * Scott's domain theory,
  * Weihrauch's type two theory of effectivity,
  * category-theoretic approaches to computation on infinite data,
  * hierarchies of unsolvability,
  * and related areas.

*Invited Speakers:*

  * Thierry Coquand (Gothenburg)
  * Dirk Pattinson (Canberra)
  * Paul Potgieter (Pretoria)
  * Robert Rettinger (Hagen)
  * Hideki Tsuiki (Kyoto)
  * … (tba)

*Tutorial Speakers:*

  * Andrej Bauer (Ljubljana)
  * Martin Ziegler (Darmstadt)

*Abstract submission deadline:*

*10 June 2014*


*Upload your submission via EasyChair*



*Programme Committee:*

  * Andrej Bauer(Ljubljana)
  * Willem Fouche' (Pretoria)
  * Hajime Ishihara (Nomi, Ishikawa)
  * Margarita Korovina (Novosibirsk)
  * Davorin Lesnik (Darmstadt)
  * Norbert Mueller (Trier)
  * Robert Rettinger (Hagen)
  * Monika Seisenberger (Swansea)
  * Dieter Spreen (Siegen and Pretoria) (chair)
  * Martin Ziegler (Darmstadt).

*Organizing Committee:*

  * Andrej Bauer (Ljubljana)

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