[logic-ml] Logic, religion and science

Kensaku GOMI mathpsy at mb.infoweb.ne.jp
Thu Jan 8 09:57:20 JST 2015

Dear Sirs and Madams,
Regarding conflicts among religions and between religion and science, and
regarding the 1st World Congress on Logic and Religion
http://www.uni-log.org/logic-and-religion.html, I would inform you of the
paper entitled ``MATHEMATICAL THEOLOGY: A Proscience Concept of God with a
Mathematical Model'' http://homepage3.nifty.com/gomiken/english/mathpsy.htm.
I believe that it contributes to promoting harmony among religions and
reconciling religion and science toward omniscience.
Would you support it by forwarding this mail to your acquaintances who would
be interested?
With kind regards,
The original sender: Kensaku Gomi, a retired professor of the Graduate
School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tokyo.

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