[logic-ml] J-B.Joinet講演 April 18th,Topic on Space-Time Question through Dialogue btw Proof Theory and Computation

Mitsuhiro Okada mitsu at abelard.flet.keio.ac.jp
Sun Apr 16 21:37:49 JST 2017

キュリティ会議 4月24日ー26日のURL情報も下に入れさせて頂いていま 

Mita Logic Seminar (4月18日(火)18時、慶応大三田キャンパス)
jean-Baptiste Joinet speaks about "From the dynamic of informational 
time to ontology : a reading of Church"(April 18th, Tues, 18:00 at Mita 
Campus, Keio University)


Jean-Baptiste JOINET
University of Lyon 3,Department of Philosophy,  France
Centre Cavaillès, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris, France

 From the dynamic of informational time to ontology : a reading of 
Church (下にアブストラクトがあります。Abstract attached below.)

Place: 慶応義塾大学三田キャンパス大学院棟一階313番教室,
Room  313, 1st Floor, Graduate School Building ( Number 8 of the above 
Campus Map).

Time: 18:00-19:30
なお、この会とは別に、Joinet教授も参加される論理系のFormal Method 
Session を含む、第3回日仏サイバーセキュリティ会議が4月24日―26日に 
慶應義塾大学三田 キャンパスで開催されます。事前登録無しでも参加可能です 
前登録、プログ ラム情報は次にあります。 http://cyber.science-japon.org)

Mita Logic Seminar 問い合わせ先:
logic at abelard.flet.keio.ac.jp (セミナー事務局専用アドレス)


In XXth century, the thirties are years during which, simultaneously,

a/ one of the branches of modern logic, Proof Theory (Hilbert, Gentzen) 
recentered Logic around the spatial and temporal inscription of 
reasoning (and this with several respects: temporality and spatiality of 
the representation of argumentations, of heuristic, of analytisation of 

b/ a new science emerged : the theory of the transformation of 
information a.k.a Computing and computability theory (Church, Turing).

In my talk, I will show how the dialogue between these scientific 
programmes (Proof Theory and Computing Theory) around a common question 
(Sense in time and space) gave to the husserlian project toward the 
constitution of a transcendental Logic a renewed actuality.


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