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Robin Milner, Communicating and Mobile Systems: the Pi-calculus, Cambridge University Press, 174 pages, ISBN 0-521-65869-1, June 1999.

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Part I: Communicating Systems

  1. Introduction
  2. Behaviour of Automata
  3. Sequential Processes and Bisimulation
  4. Concurrent Processes and Reaction
  5. Transitions and Strong Equivalence
  6. (Observation Equivalence: Theory)
  7. (Observation Equivalence: Examples)

Part II: The Pi-Calculus

  1. What is Mobility?
  2. The Pi-Calculus and Reaction
  3. Applications of the Pi-Calculus
  4. Sorts, Objects, and Functions
  5. Commitments and Strong Bisimulation
  6. (Observation Equivalence and Examples)
  7. (Discussion and Related Work)

Last update on $Date: 2002-04-25 16:00:38 +0900 (ÌÚ, 25 4·î 2002) $.