[logic-ml] 【論文募集】Bx 2019 (Workshop on Bidirectional Transformations)【2/12アブスラクト〆切】

Kazutaka Matsuda kztk at ecei.tohoku.ac.jp
Thu Jan 31 14:50:47 JST 2019


来たる6月4日に開催される双方向変換に関する国際ワークショップ Bx 2019 のご案内を御送りいたします.〆切等の日程は以下となっております.

    アブストラクト〆切:2/12 (AoE)
    論文〆切:2/19 (AoE)


Bx 2019: 8th International Workshop on Bidirectional Transformations


- workshop date set on June 4, 2019
- Zachary Ives confirmed as invited speaker
- abstract submission in two weeks (Tuesday, Feb 12, AoE)
- links to CEUR-WS.org style and template files updated

* http://bx-community.wikidot.com/bx2019:home

* June 4, 2019, Saint Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, PA, USA

* as part of Philadelphia Logic Week (PLW) 2019: https://sites.sju.edu/plw/

* Invited speaker: Zachary Ives (University of Pennsylvania)

Bidirectional transformations (bx) are a mechanism for maintaining the
consistency of at least two related sources of information. Such
sources can be relational databases, software models and code, or any
other document following standard or ad-hoc formats. Bx are an
emerging topic in a wide range of research areas, with prominent
presence at top conferences in several different fields (namely
databases, programming languages, software engineering, and graph
transformation), but with results in one field often getting limited
exposure in the others. Bx 2019 is a dedicated venue for bx in all
relevant fields, and is part of a workshop series that was created in
order to promote cross-disciplinary research and awareness in the
area. As such, since its beginning in 2012, the workshop has rotated
between venues in different fields.

Bx 2019 will be a part of Philadelphia Logic Week (PLW) 2019, which
also includes conference and workshops on logic, provenance, and
databases, topics that we hope will complement Bx and help build
engagement with these communities.

Important Dates

- Abstract submission: Feb 12 (AoE)
- Paper submission:    Feb 19 (AoE)
- Author notification: Apr  8
- Camera-ready: around May  1
- Workshop:            Jun  4, 2019

Aims and Topics

The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers and
practitioners, established and new, interested in bx from different
perspectives, including but not limited to:

- bidirectional programming languages and frameworks
- data and model synchronization
- view updating
- inter-model consistency analysis and repair
- data/schema (or model/metamodel) co-evolution
- coupled software/model transformations
- inversion of transformations and data exchange mappings
- domain-specific languages for bx
- analysis and classification of requirements for bx
- bridging the gap between formal concepts and application scenarios
- analysis of efficiency of transformation algorithms and benchmarks
- survey and comparison of bx technologies
- case studies and tool support

Submission Guidelines

Papers must follow the CEUR-WS.org one-column style (with page
numbers) available at

- http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/samplestyles/onecolpceurws.sty

and must be submitted via EasyChair:

- https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=bx2019

A sample LaTeX file using the above style (along with an included
sample image) can be downloaded at

- http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/samplestyles/paper1p.tex
- http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/samplestyles/fig1.eps

Five categories of submissions are considered:

* Full Research Papers (up to 15 pages)
- in-depth presentations of novel concepts and results
- applications of bx to new domains
- survey papers providing novel comparisons between existing bx
technologies and approaches case studies

* Tool Papers (up to 8 pages)
- guideline papers presenting best practices for employing a specific
bx approach (with a specific tool)
- presentation of new tools or substantial improvements to existing ones
- qualitative and/or quantitative comparisons of applying different bx
approaches and tools

* Experience Report (up to 8 pages)
- sharing experiences and lessons learned with bx tools/frameworks/languages
- how bx is used in (research/industrial/educational) projects

* Extended Abstracts and Short Papers (up to 4 pages)
- work in progress
- small focused contributions
- position papers and research perspectives
- critical questions and challenges for bx

* Talk Proposals (up to 2 pages)
- proposed lectures about topics of interest for bx
- existing work representing relevant contributions for bx
- promising contributions that are not mature enough to be proposed as
papers of the other categories

If your submission is not a Full Research Paper, please include the
intended submission category in the Title field of EasyChair’s
submission form.

The bibliography is excluded from the page limits. All papers are
expected to be self-contained and well-written. Tool papers are not
expected to present novel scientific results, but to document
artifacts of interest and share bx experience/best practices with the
community. Experience papers are expected to report on lessons learnt
from applying bx approaches, languages, tools, and theories to
practical application case studies. Extended abstracts should
primarily provoke interesting discussion at the workshop and will not
be held to the same standard of maturity as regular papers; short
papers contain focused results, positions or perspectives that can be
presented in full in just a few pages, and that correspondingly
contain fewer results and that therefore might not be competitive in
the full paper category. Talk proposals are expected to present work
that is of particular interest to the community and worth a talk slot
at the workshop.

We strongly encourage authors to ensure that any (variants of)
examples are present in the bx example repository at the time of
submission, and for tool papers, to allow for reproducibility with
minimal effort, either via a virtual machine (e.g., via Share -
http://share20.eu) or a dedicated website with relevant artifacts and
tool access.

All papers will be peer-reviewed by at least three members of the
program committee.

If a paper is accepted, one author of the paper is expected to
participate in the workshop to present it. Authors of accepted tool
papers are also expected to be available to demonstrate their tool at
the event.

Proceedings and Special Issue

The workshop proceedings, including all accepted papers (except talk
proposals), will be published electronically by CEUR-WS.org. A special
issue open to all authors of papers in BX workshops over the past few
years is planned.

Program committee

* Co-chairs

- James Cheney, University of Edinburgh, UK
- Hsiang-Shang ‘Josh’ Ko, National Institute of Informatics, Japan

* Members

- Leopoldo Bertossi, Carleton University, Canada
- Ravi Chugh, University of Chicago, US
- Zinovy Diskin, McMaster University, Canada
- Paolo Guagliardo, University of Edinburgh, UK
- Jules Hedges, University of Oxford, UK
- Michael Johnson, Macquarie University, Australia
- Leen Lambers, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam, Germany
- Kazutaka Matsuda, Tohoku University, Japan
- Anders Miltner, Princeton University, US
- Alfonso Pierantonio, University of L'Aquila, Italy
- Perdita Stevens, University of Edinburgh, UK
- Daniel Strüber, University of Koblenz and Landau, Germany
- Manuel Wimmer, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
- Nicolas Wu, University of Bristol, UK

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